Anaisa Pye: Goddess of family love


Anaisa Pye: Who is she?

In Dominican voodoo there is a very popular Loa called Anaisa Pye, considered the patron saint of family love, money and happiness. In addition Anaisa Pye is identified as a mature, beautiful and blonde woman who likes to decorate, wear perfume and dance. In other words, she is cheerful and flirtatious, enjoys parties, jewelry and makeup. 

Her thousands of devotees describe her as extremely generous, flirtatious and cheerful. Similarly, her jovial appearance and fun nature allow many to point out that in her earthly life she was a very cheerful girl. On the other hand, she knows all the secrets and mysteries of seduction to conquer the man’s heart.

Nevertheless, in her negative aspects, Anaisa Pye is a deity that should not be angered, because her character can easily turn to terrible things, revenge and whims, especially if she feels offended or abandoned. Consequently, her sorrows for those who disappoint her are economic problems as well as loving ones.

What does she grant?

Her faithful turn to her to discuss matters of family love, home, and money. It is said she is very powerful and grants the wishes of those who ask in faith.


Anaisa Pye: Of the 7 Laps

Also known as Anaisa of the 7 Turns. Therefore next, we explain why:

 Anaisa Pye:  Her original turn, the one we all know and want.

 Anaissá:  In this turn she is Indian, belongs to the Indian division or works in it. Consequently, she is served with sun flowers, river water and yellow soda.

 Anaissó:  Known as her black turn or Haitian turn, she dresses in yellow with a black ribbon. However, this turn she speaks a little creole mixed with Spanish, or Spanish with a Patua accent.

 Anaisa Similó:  In this turn she is a bit grimosa, and even dark.  Therefore, when she goes down on that turn, she brings omens a bit negative, because on this turn she is the “Mother who is in mourning” for the loss of her children or her husband. In addition, she wears in black and purple with a yellow scarf.

 Anaisa Sangriñé: Petró turn of mother Anaisa; on this turn she wears in red and yellow. She is violent, drinks beer and then breaks the bottle. Through this “road” she represents bad women who have a knife in the breast or the wallet, ready for any fight.

 Anaisa Guineluá:  Here we see Anaisa as a loa of Guinea, mother Africa; therefore, she looks like a lady sitting on a throne, dressed in yellow, gold and white, with great endowment and seriousness, very austere.

 Anaisa Danto Pie:  At this point she is closely related to Ezili Dantó. Consequently, she even looks like her, brave, strong, stubborn. On the other hand, she smokes tobacco and has a sour character, here she climbs upstairs to fight with her children and devotees because of their disobedience or to claim when they disappoint her (so on this round she has the last name backwards).


There is a syncretization of this religion with the Catholic one. That is to say that each deity of this religion is associated with a saint of the Catholic religion. In this sense, the figure of Anaisa Pye is associated with Saint Ana, Mother of the Virgin Mary, grandmother of the Infant Jesus and wife of San Joaquin, in addition to being the patron saint of miners, working women and pregnant women.

Veneration day

Her holiday is on July 26. In the Dominican voodoo they perform their own rituals. On the other hand, one of the most common offerings is beer served in a glass sprinkled with perfume or florida water and a yellow candle. Later the candle must be lit, while a prayer is said to the deity. In addition, yellow flowers and cigarettes are included.

All in all, the offering must remain in the same place for a period of 7 days.

It is said that the cup that is used in this ritual cannot then be used in a common way, undoubtedly only for this type of celebrations.


Pray to Anaisa Pye to ask her a favor

¡¡Oh Great Anaisa Pye!!
Queen of Heaven, Grandmother of the Earth and kind lady of the Fresh Waters.

With humility and reverence I kneel before your sacred mantle, and I offer you this candle, beer, perfume (mention other offerings if you present them).

I beg you to grant me the grace I ask you, and help me to make my wish come true.

For the Glory of your holy name, I ask you to intercede for me before God the Almighty Father, and may the favour I ask you be granted, as long as it is for my good.

If what I ask you does not favour me, I beg you not to put it in my path, and I will praise your name among those of all the loas.

Thank you for your divine protection.
In the name of Bon Dye, Gran Solier and Fa.
