Stones for the zodiac signs

Piedras para los signos del zodiaco

Stones for the zodiac signs : The jewels you wear can say a lot about you without realizing it. If you are one of the people who like the spiritual and the world of astrology, this article is for you, because we are going to show you what stones, gems and colors are in accordance with your zodiac sign.

Stones for the zodiac signs

Stones for the zodiac


People who are under this sign are full of energy and positivity. They like challenges and live by their own standards, so they need a strong stone: amethyst or tiger’s eye; rose quartz is a great option too.


It is an earth sign, and for this reason its protective stones are jade, sapphire and coral. These stones will radiate abundance and fertility. They also drive away negative things and attract good luck.

The most recommended amulet you can use is a half moon pendant made of amber, copper, bronze, gold or platinum as it highlights and protects you deep down inside.


People who are under this symbol have a great ability to see both sides of the same coin and the possibilities that each side offers; that is, they have a great initiative in the world of business.

The stones, gems and crystals recommended to protect and enhance the qualities of the natives of Gemini are first beryllium, second tiger’s eye, third topaz, fourth agate, and fifth aventurine.


Its enigmatic stones are pearls and opals; that is, they help to strengthen the soul, love and health.

The best amulet that people of this sign can use is the blue eye as it attracts peace to their life, protecting them from the evil eye and putting a barrier to bad influences.


People born between July 23 and August 23 are sheltered under the zodiac sign Leo. This is characterized by having a great vitality andoverflowing great energy and creativity. In addition, it has great pride, playing, sometimes, very bad experiences on it. Leo are also a little vain, but they are very funny. They love glory and power.

The stones, gems and crystals recommended to protect and enhance the qualities of the natives of Leo are amber, crystal quartz, carnelian, diamond, and topaz.


Logic and perfection are its thing, but they are also its downfall: they have trouble trusting and giving their hearts. The pink jasper is for them: A stone of tranquility, empathy and tenderness.


The zodiac sign Libra welcomes those born between September 23 and October 22. They are people who fight for justice and equality. They love the artistic culture and harmony. Their character stands out for their diplomatic side in the face of problems.

The stones, gems and crystals recommended to protect and enhance the qualities of the natives of Libra are jade, lapis lazuli, chrysoprase, and turquoise


People born between October 24 and November 22 are under the gaze of Scorpio. They are characterized by having a great capacity to adapt to changes that may arise unexpectedly; in addition, they love to face challenges increasingly difficult.

The stones, gems and crystals recommended to protect and enhance the qualities of the natives of Scorpio are:

First: topaz

Second: quartz

Third: turmaline

Fourth: spinel

Fifth: kunzita


They love adventure and nature. It is a sign of lots of wisdom, so they must always carry an amethyst or malachite.

Those born between November 23 and December 23 are in this sign. Sagittarius people are passionate to travel and they love to live adventures and speed; that is, they are very wise and studious people.


This sign covers people born between January 21 and February 19. Aquarians have a strong and attractive personality. There are two types of Aquarius: one is shy, sensitive, and patient, and the other, on the other hand, is excessive, active and frivolous in appearance. That is, both types of Aquarius have a strong conviction and truth strength, are very honest, tolerant and have no prejudices.

The stones, gems and crystals recommended to protect and enhance the qualities of the natives of Aquarius are first aquamarine, second jet, and third fossils.


Those born between February 20 and March 20 are in this sign. People who are of this sign have a calm, patient and kind personality; that is, they are sensitive and empathetic, responding with sympathy and tact to others’ pain. They are very loved by others because they have an affable, affectionate and kind character.

The stones which are united with the zodiac sign Pisces are agate, amethyst, hematite and turquoise.

Stones for the zodiac signs!.