Rosemary baths: Learn about the power of rosemary and how to use it


Rosemary is one of the most widely used herbs in the world, so it is very versatile. Whether in medicinal, culinary or spiritual use, this fragrant herb is synonymous with joy. Rosemary baths for luck are an excellent option to attract good energy into our lives.

Since ancient time’s rosemary has served as a vital medicinal herb, effective for a wide range of ailments and discomforts, not to mention its use in the creation of gastronomic dishes and rich meat sauces when used as a seasoning. It is very effective in reducing all kinds of joint pains.

On the other hand, it not only has medicinal properties, but it is also widely used in the esoteric part, to ward off bad energies, attract love, and eliminate stress and many other things.

If you have one of these plants in your home, you don’t know how lucky you are. Here we will show you the many baths that can be done with rosemary. Read on.

Benefits of rosemary

  • Allows the memory of our good dreams at night.
  • Promotes the health of our memory.
  • Works as an antioxidant.
  • Stimulates mental expansion.
  • Relieves symptoms of unpleasant colic.
  • Stimulates our conscience, making us more careful when making decisions in our daily life.
  • It is great for headaches.
  • does a real cleansing of our feelings and thoughts.
  • It fights sadness, fear, depression.
  • acts in cleansing our spirit.
  • Stimulates the brain, memory, purifies the unconscious.
  • It fights physical fatigue, the stress of everyday life, because it relaxes the nervous system.
Rosemary baths

Tips before doing any bath or cleaning in the home

Before doing any cleaning, be it energetic, spiritual or similar, we must take into account a series of tips to make it as effective as possible. One of the most important points to keep in mind is that energies are usually linked to different objects, sometimes the atmosphere of a home becomes more charged because there are stagnant energies that are generated by objects stored and unused for a long time.

You should review the objects in your home, and get rid of those things you do not need or use so that the stagnant energies disappear, as rosemary will not be able to remove this type of energy as it is “stuck” to your home.

On the other hand when you do a cleaning you will always have to have the windows open to allow the energies to leave, if you do a cleaning with the windows closed, it is very likely that the energies will not find a way out and will only move from one room to another.

You can plant rosemary at the door of your house; this plant will act as a barrier to any bad energy that tries to enter it, as it will prevent the passage of unharmonious vibrations that may disturb our balance.

Rosemary baths: For luck


  • Fresh rosemary.
  • Salt.


First, take the bunch of rosemary and tie it with a rope of natural material. Second, it is placed inside the bathtub. Then, after being submerged for several minutes, take the rosemary and start the ritual.

The cluster is passed all over the body, from the top to the bottom, to reduce any kind of negative energy.

When you get out of the bath, take the rosemary with a cloth or paper so as not to touch it directly and throw it in the trash or burn it if you have an outdoor place. Then we should shower normally.

Rosemary baths: To relax


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 branch of fresh green rosemary


First place the water in a pot and boil. Second after boiling, place the rosemary in the pot and cover. Let cool and strain.

After your regular shower, pour the rosemary bath at room temperature over your body, from the neck down.

Rosemary and cinnamon baths for luck in love and money


  • 1 dried rosemary.
  • 3 cinnamon sticks.
  • 3 cloves
  • 2 liters of water.


First place the water in a pot and boil. Second after boiling, add the rosemary and simmer for a few minutes. Then add cinnamon sticks and cloves. Let it boil for a few more minutes and turn off the heat. Let stand until it returns to room temperature. Strain the bath and pour it from the neck down, after your usual shower. Take it once a week or whenever you consider necessary.

Rosemary baths: To attract love


  • 1 pot
  • water
  • sea salt
  • 21 (or more) sprigs of rosemary


First fill a pot with water. Bring it to a boil over low heat, along with a handful of sea salt. When it comes to a boil, remove it from the flame. Add a considerable amount of rosemary sprigs. Leave it untouched and resting for exactly 9 minutes. Keep the preparation and proceed to take a normal bath. You will remove the soap from your body with this preparation.

And then you should say out loud “I want to seduce (name of the person you want to fall in love with)” while pouring the rosemary water over you. In case your request is generic, you can try “I want to find love” or “I want to get my true soul mate”.

The positive phrase that best suits what you want.

Rosemary Baths: Clean your home to attract prosperity


  • Water
  • One tablespoon of salt
  • Rosemary leaves
  • A little lemon juice
  • Hand sprayer


First, put all the ingredients (water, salt, rosemary leaves and lemon juice) in a pot. Second, we will put the pot on the fire for 10-15 minutes, after that time remove it from the fire and let it cool down a little.

Then carefully fill the sprayer with the mixture from the pot, and spread the liquid little by little in every corner of your home, pay more attention to the corners of each room that is where bad energies usually are.

Once you have done the cleaning of your home during the next 7 days light a stick of incense and close all the sales, this will prevent the energies that we have moved away can return to our home.

How to grow rosemary

We have two options, sow the seeds or get seedlings, by division of the plant or cuttings. We will always have someone we know who has a rosemary plant. The most advisable are the plants, since rosemary seeds have a low degree of germination.

In this way we will always have this powerful plant at hand, and also cultivated by ourselves. Do you know any other powerful rosemary bath? Write us in the comments.