Prayers to Yemayá: The goddess of love, fertility and money


Yemayá is a very important deity of the Yoruba religion, many favours are asked her and her miracles are believed very fervently. Consequently, this time we bring you some of the most famous prayers of Yemayá to which, without a doubt, multiple miracles are attributed.

Prayers to Yemayá: Who is Yemayá?

Yemayá is considered one of the goddesses that are part of the Yoruba Pantheon, within what their religion is. Also considered as the first to be born when the Supreme God, known as Olofi by them, created the world and later all the beings that inhabit it.

On the other hand, being similar in this case to what is considered as the creation of Eve within the Catholic religion, and therefore it is said that all that is known in the world have been born from her. Considered as old as Obatalá, who is considered her partner and next to whom she gave life to the rest of the orishas, present in the cult.

What is attributed to it?

Various assignments are attributed to this orischa, but the best known is to be the guardian of the seas or any body of water. In addition, she is also recognized as a protector of women and babies. Despite this, you can make a range of requests to her as her power has a wide spectrum.

On the other hand, this Orisha is considered the queen of love, and which has taught this feeling to other people. Without a doubt, she is endowed with both beauty and goodness, being an example of nobility that is also present for all humanity. Nevertheless, she tends to get angry and in this case she can be seen unstoppable and relentless, especially with all those who outrage her.

One of the most recurrent requests made to the goddess Yemayá after love is a request for financial aid. As a result, we are always looking for a prayer to Yemayá to attract money since it is one of the deities of Yoruba mythology associated with prosperity and good fortune.

Prayers to Yemayá

Because she is one of the most powerful and well-known orishas in existence, Yemayá has become so ingrained in popular culture that her name is known to practically everyone. Therefore, many seek prayers for Yemayá so that they can direct their pleas on her behalf.

Prayers to Yemayá: To get true love

Prayers to Yemayá

To give the prayer strength, you must do it with great faith and request it in a special way to help you find a person who assess you for your attributes, for your way of being and thinking, who inspires you to be a better person and to get ahead together as a team, and most importantly, who is faithful to you and to the love of both.

My mother, mighty goddess Yemaya,

You who know my effective needs

You who are my mother and my guide,

I ask you, lady, today on this day

to bring my true love before me

Only you can do it.

Oh mighty Yemaya!

Prayer to Yemaya for well-being

Oh Yemayá!

You who rule the waters and control

the flow of the rivers towards the sea;

You who purify the vital liquid

which gives us life and ceases our thirst;

You who clear the floodgates

For everything to take its course;

You, beloved orisha, are the one who ensures well-being,

love, abundance and prosperity;

Sow all this in my soul and clear my mind

So that I can see the path that you show us;

Hail beloved Yemayá!


Protector of men!

Pick up these words and take them with you

So that I can be at peace with my soul.

So be it.

For unrequited love

Oh mighty goddess Yemaya!

I come before you to ask you to help me

to open the eyes of my beloved (here the name of the person)

So that he loves me with passion, that his eyes are only for me,

that he wants to kiss and hug me

Oh Mighty Mother Yemaya

May his love be as strong as the waves of your sea,

his passion overflow like waters,

my beloved (say the person’s name)

feel that he cannot live without me, that only I will make him happy forever

I beg you oh hail my beloved goddess Yamayá.

Prayer to Yemayá for fertility

As it has been said, this orisha is considered the protector of women and babies because it is also often associated with fertility. To promote it, you can use the following prayer:

Mother goddess


eternal of femininity and desire;

Listen to these words that I address and implant

the seed of life in my womb;

Implant fertility in my soul

and give me that sacred power to give life.

Only the one who gives life really lives!

Mother, touch my body with your hand

And make me reap the fruit of divine effort,

Allow me to enjoy the genuine gift of Nature

And don’t let emptiness fill my soul.

As a woman, oh Yemayá, only you know

The desire that overwhelms me

allow it to be satisfied

as I will be loyal to you until the end.

so be it. Prayer for money

One of the most attractive sentences for money is:

Oh Blessed Mother! Sovereign of the waters of all seas,

Radiant goddess of light with majestic power,

Your love for your children is gigantic,

That equals the size of your sacred wisdom,

with which you rule our lives from the oceans.

Listen Mighty goddess Yemaya the favours that my being begs,

and grant me the help for which I come to you,

Take away all the bad luck from me,

within your sacred seas drown

all my fears, sadness, resentment and anguish,

for not having enough money.

Bring me (Your full name) Kind Yemaya,

Fortune, money and prosperity.

Thank you Majestic Goddess for hearing my plea

and grant my wishes.

Hail, oh goddess Yemayá, Amen.

Prayer for Health

Oh great goddess Yemayá!

You who are the Mother of the World,

You are the force that maintains creation,

Queen of all goods and breath of life itself.

Mother of all mothers,

Being the sea your symbol and the salt your mark.

Your protection is endless and eternal,

so I ask you now to help us, our Mother,

provide us with what we need to live,

may there be no lack of food, health, love and money,

may we not lack the necessary strength to move forward,

the strength that we extract from your immense sea,

may we not lack a roof and a home, and disease may never come.

Oh hail beloved goddess Yemaya!.