HOROSCOPE Week IV from July 24 to 30, 2023


Below we present the weekly Horoscope IV July.  Check your Horoscope for the week IV July  where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Lucky charm for Leo

Leo, for you the best lucky charm is a Chinese Feng Shui snake. Do you find it difficult to find? It is not so, but if you do not find this specific one, any pendant in the shape of a snake can be used. This object will enhance your personality, your strength and will give you power to achieve your goals.

You can always carry it with you or leave it at home. Just having it will be enough. You can also try carrying a precious stone like tiger’s eye. It will bring luck to you.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

For Aries this week will be a period of introspection, reflection and personal growth. The Aries zodiac sign is known for its ambition, discipline, and focus. The Moon will be in Aries will amplify these qualities. You may feel more motivated and focused than usual and inclined to set goals and work towards them.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Be patient and forgive. The planets also urge Taurus to be patient and forgiving with himself and others. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and it is important to learn from them and move on.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Gemini, you may have to take a trip, prepare a move, or establish communication with your family members who live in another city. If you need to, you can use the first days of the week to go home, get closer to your mother, or close a contract or negotiation that, in some way, represents stability or security for you.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

Keep your focus and determination. The planets encourage Cancer to be focused and determined in their goals. If you have something you want to achieve, make a plan and set some goals for yourself. Then, be persistent and don’t give up until you reach your goals.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

This week, plans to move, return home, build a new home or start a new family history are accelerated. This end of the month marks the moment of the year in which a news or decision marks the beginning of a different stage at home, at home.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Astrological energy fills you with creativity, romance and new opportunities that will help you exalt your self-expression and your artistic vein. This week of the month you are not afraid of the spotlight, on the contrary, you want to take the place of the leader, of the star of any project, and that is precisely what it is about.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

If you needed some extra motivation or energy to go back to the gym, eat healthy again or reinforce the positive connection you have with your physical body, these last days of the month will help you find reasons to plenty to dedicate to your body. It is a period during which new ambitions are also born that cause you to want to make changes in your routine and your lifestyle.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Financial movements can take you in unprecedented directions this week. Stay alert and be ready for new ventures and new ways to make money.

Jupiter begins to magnify your opportunities to find a new job, a promotion, or new sources of income. You could also attract a lucrative investment opportunity.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Sagittarius your healing time comes, so this week is to process heavy problems and find illumination through them. This is a cosmic cleanse.

Detoxify your diet, respect your sleep, and consult a therapist to help you reach the deepest corners of your psyche. You could even train yourself as a healer or work with a therapist, shaman or holistic specialist.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Creative and inspired, you are eager to express your potential openly and fully. Make sure that your initiatives and your work do not jeopardize the budget that is assigned to you. If you don’t ask for too much, you get a lot.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

These days are very important because they will show you stories, relationships, projects and opportunities that are beginning to germinate and that will develop strongly throughout the second half of the year. Pay special attention to those that represent a metamorphosis, a second chance, a certain alchemy that turns old darkness into light.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

The Sun will be in charge of further activating your strong desires and ambitions to advance in your professional career. Because of this, you will be more competitive and you should know how to handle this so as not to challenge other colleagues or work in an unhealthy way.


Peridot and Citrine for Leo

These zodiac gemstones for Leos will create a better understanding of the natural order of life without feeling interrupted or discouraged. In addition, they will enhance generosity, creativity, enthusiasm, openness of mind and self-love and love for others. In addition, it prevents users from being bossy and intolerant.

Lunar phase:

Lunar calendar: Week IV from July 24 to 30, 2023

24 Nearly new crescent

25 First quarter

26 First quarter

27 Nearly full crescent

 28 Nearly full  crescent

29 Nearly full crescent 

30 Nearly full crescent