HOROSCOPE Week II from August 07 to 13, 2023


Below we present the weekly Horoscope II August.  Consult your Horoscope corresponding to the second week of August, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.


Compatibility between Leo and Leo

The love compatibility between a Leo and another Leo is very high. Two lions together can form a brilliant and successful combination, this couple will dazzle wherever they go because they are two people together who like to be the center of attention, precisely that can be one of their biggest problems, wanting to be both the protagonists, disputes could arise between them to see which of the two shines more, they must take this into account if they want their partner to be successful in the long term.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

This week brings opportunities for progress and professional achievements. Its energy will support your ambition and self-confidence, allowing you to excel in the workplace.

Take advantage of development opportunities and show your skills. In love, you can expect greater passion and intimacy in a relationship. Be open to new things and enjoy deeper emotional connections.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Taurus the following days will bring you opportunities to expand your horizons and learn new things. An opportunity to travel or study may arise, increasing your knowledge and bringing you new perspectives.

The financial area can improve, but be careful when making investment decisions or important financial transactions. Also take care of your own health and well-being, as this is vital to your overall well-being.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

This week will bring an emphasis on relationships and communication. Focus on making quality connections with other people, both personally and professionally. Opportunities may arise to collaborate and work together on projects.

In the financial field, be careful and considerate in your decisions. By managing your assets well, you can achieve stability and progress.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

You may decide to renovate your home or make a change in your family life. Pay attention to your emotional well-being and take care of your own needs.

In the field of love, new romantic opportunities may appear or existing relationships may become stronger and deeper. Embrace positive change and nurture love in your life.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

You will have the opportunity to express your creativity and your own image. During this month, you will have the opportunity to show yourself and express your talents in various fields. The financial area can improve, but beware of excessive spending.

Pay attention to your relationships with other people and cultivate love and friendship. Take the opportunity to build strong, connecting relationships.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

You have opportunities for development and promotion in the professional field. Focus on your goals and be organized. Opportunities for promotion or new jobs may arise.

Pay attention to your health and well-being and take time to balance work and rest. Take care of yourself and give yourself the self-care you need to stay successful and happy.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Libra this week can have a positive impact on your health. You may be more motivated to exercise and eat healthy foods, and you may also be more connected to your body’s needs. You may also be more inclined to seek alternative forms of healing, such as acupuncture or massage therapy.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

This week of August is a time of personal growth and transformation. You may be more introspective and reflective during this time, and you may also be more open to new experiences. You may also be more willing to face your fears and overcome your challenges.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

During this week you can bring positive changes to your relationships. You may be more open and communicative with your loved ones, and you may also be more willing to compromise and forgive. You may also be more attracted to people who are different from you, which could lead to some interesting new relationships.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

If you are a Capricorn, I encourage you to take advantage of the energy of the Moon in August in your favor. This is a time to focus on your goals, improve your health, and strengthen your relationships. It is also a time to let go of any old burdens and embrace new beginnings.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

This week comes with very positive surprises in the workplace. It could be a pregnancy, a birth or a wedding. You will feel happy, because your projects are going to be consolidated during the summer, and they seem to be going from strength to strength. But you have to put your feet on Earth if you don’t want to stray too far from reality.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Pisces increases your physical attractiveness. This will give you many possibilities in love, in which, if you are single, you will have to choose between different suitors. Be careful, because you could focus on the physique when making this decision, something that does not have to be positive. In addition, the stress and pressure you felt at work will gradually dissipate during the warm season.


The power of burning cinnamon

Mystics claim that burning cinnamon helps to eliminate “bad vibes” and heavy energies that accumulate in the different environments of the home or workplace.

A powerful way to achieve this is to burn cinnamon sticks throughout the home from the back to the front door. All rooms must have the windows closed. It is important to stop at each corner and there turn the container three times clockwise.

Lunar phase:

Lunar calendar: Week II from August 07 to 13, 2023

7 Almost full gibbous

8 Almost full gibbous

9 Quarter  gibbous

10 Quarter gibbous

 11 Almost new  gibbous

12 Almost new gibbous

13 Almost new gibbous