Horoscope Week from September 18 to 24, 2023


Here we present the weekly Horoscope III September  Check your Horoscope corresponding to the third week of August, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.


Symptoms of blockage of the Muladhara (root) chakra

His blockage usually causes apathy; stress from depending on external circumstances; persistent financial problems; paternal or maternal abandonment; feeling that life is a struggle and rejection of one’s own body. When his energy flows, on the other hand, the family, the person will feel loved, he will be satisfied with his body and even with the money (much or little) he receives.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

It is very good to have ambitions and think about progress, Aries, but do not forget today that all this requires daily effort on your part. The higher you set the bar, the more you have to fight. But if you’re determined to do it, go ahead! Life will always reward you for your effort. Sometimes this compensation is not given immediately, but after some time. Patience is the second condition that you will have to accept, Aries.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

It is important to always respect agreements when you are in a relationship, in this way you can avoid various conflicts, but the best thing is an opportunity for things between both parties in this romance to feel in confidence. Consistency in terms of your health is something you should pay close attention to.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

You must be extremely prudent in business because it is possible that the financial support you expected fails. Your partner will show a very original facet of his character that will surprise you. Evening muted and with a tendency to melancholy. Your intuition will not be of much help to you and may even prevent you from being objective in your approach to a professional matter. Take things easy and wish for a breather to rest. Eliminate stress by practicing some sport.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

In professional fields, perseverance will be one of the things you should focus on this week. When it comes to achieving success, you should always do your best so that you can achieve what you want. you propose Rest will help you a lot to have energy throughout the day, which is what you need to carry out your daily activities.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Your mind will go very fast, crowding your ideas. It is possible that this is an obstacle to make yourself understood by others. A sincere talk with a member of your family will be convenient to clear up doubts. Obstacles may arise in your professional path, but do not be discouraged by it, keep insisting and in the end you will manage to overcome them. Family life will help you regain enthusiasm and joy.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

This week you will impose yourself at work, Virgo. You could propose ideas for new projects or ask for a raise. If you’re self-employed, you could be developing your business ideas or looking for ways to increase your income. However, it is also possible that you spend a lot of money. You may be excited about a relationship, or you may be deciding whether or not you want to commit more to someone. On the other hand, you could be strengthening the relationship with your partner or your closest friend.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

The harmony between body and mind, believe it or not, seems like a fairly complex task which you must continue working on every day. To achieve it, you must focus on the three very important axes to enjoy a good level of well-being, these are meditation, food and exercise. By having these three foundations stable, your life will take a turn in which you will feel much better.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Setbacks will arise in a professional project that will need to be modified. Don’t let rush stop you from making the right rectifications. Socializing with your friends will give you the outlet you need. A business meeting will turn out to be very unproductive due to the unfortunate attitude of one person. Avoid getting overheated and try to continue it at another time. You will receive full moral support from your partner.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Due to the trends that will take place this week, the stars recommend that you take great care of your blood pressure since you could suffer a change in your blood levels today, this is because the Moon will be in its highest point which can intensify the normal flow in your body. On the other hand, it is possible that routine work takes up a large part of the day, which may depress you. Joy will reign in your house. Get over your mood if you want to share it and feel happy.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Capricorn this week, one of the things that you must put into practice is the determination to recover that money that you had given up as lost, this has to do with those people to whom you have lent and not you have been returned this monetary input that you currently need; This will open your eyes and make you realize that there are times when you shouldn’t trust people at all.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

There are times when you are the only person who has the answer to certain questions that you have asked others; This will give you the necessary strength to embark on the path in which you will have to put a lot of discipline. In love you must learn to be very tolerant since some situations will arise in which attention will be necessary.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Pisces is a very sensitive sign, so it is possible that your intuition is accentuated this week, or that you feel a little overwhelmed by your emotions. You may also sense how others feel, or feel called to care for someone or help a group of people in some way. It is also possible that you get more in touch with your spirituality and you are interested in studying astrology, meditating or practicing manifestation.


Purslane to regain strength

The mineral salts and vitamins present in the fresh leaves and stems of this vegetable make it a superfood with notable restorative properties.

Its slightly acidic and mild flavor also gives it a refreshing touch and makes it ideal for mixing in salads and accompanying protein-based dishes. As a consequence, it is also ideal to stimulate the appetite when there is no appetite.

Lunar phase:

Lunar calendar: Week from September 18 to 24, 2023

18 Near-new crescent

19 Near-new crescent

20 Near-new crescent

21 Near-new crescent

22 Quarter crescent

23 Quarter crescent

24 Near-full crescent