Horoscope Week from September 04 to 10, 2023


Below we present the weekly Horoscope I September  Check your Horoscope corresponding to the third week of August, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.


Characteristics of Virgo people

People of the Virgo sign function well in fast-paced environments, they are aware of many details at the same time and they like to do everything possible to feel useful. Virgos feel restless when they’re not running around and engaging in some kind of productive activity. Slowing down and relaxing from time to time could be an area that people with this zodiac sign need to work on so they don’t get so stressed.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

Be careful with betrayals or gossip, you are in a good planetary moment and you tend to get the things you want most, but you are also arousing envy and you have enemies who do not dare to attack you head-on . Now luck is going to be with you, but you should not let your guard down in your environment.

Taurus: April 21-May 20

Taurus An annoying family member will bombard you with questions about your love life, so you’ll have to be smart to avoid answering their questions without appearing to stall. Love will bring you peace and harmony in your life, especially when you finally learn to tolerate others. Work on your patience, you’re not perfect either

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

The stars are going to reward all the effort you’ve made throughout these months, beware! Don’t think that money will suddenly appear in your hands and your debts will vanish, but if you are going to receive with full hands everything you have worked for and even a little more, yes, at first it will seem that a cloud is clouding you, but an unmissable opportunity will present itself to you.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

Be prudent when telling your partner a problem. They return a sum that you forgot you had lent. Establish alliances in your professional circle. Sleep more hours, you need it. Send flowers to that special someone. Invest wisely so that your economic situation improves. Jump-start the long-desired work initiative. Weekends are to rest.

Leo: July 23 to August 23,

Leo, you are at a time when you will have to dedicate yourself more to resting and being close to your family. And if you have professional matters, you will have to divide yourself between the two so that there are no tensions. On the other hand, you will notice that your pace in the economy is slower than the one you normally follow, but this will not make you stop your activities altogether, since you love challenges.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Be prudent when telling your partner a problem. They return a sum that you forgot you had lent. Establish alliances in your professional circle. Sleep more hours, you need it. Perhaps it will consolidate a sentimental relationship. Bring order to your messy economy. Good day to start new professional activities. Flee from the cold and, above all, from humidity.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Send flowers to that special person. Invest wisely so that your economic situation improves. Jump-start the long-desired work initiative. Weekends are to rest.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Beware of pride, which can cost you dearly in money. Don’t take anything for granted and be sure to listen to those who have more experience than you in this area. When it comes to health, Scorpio, you just have to try to avoid asking your body for more than it can give. You are fine, but you are at the limit of your physical capacity.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Today is an ideal week to establish connections and strengthen relationships. If you have been feeling distant from someone important in your life, consider reaching out and expressing your feelings. Open and honest communication will get you far.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Clashes at work and the stress of an unexpected layoff all around you is causing you to have one of the worst times in your work environment, which is causing your hair to fall out in whole clumps. . Incorporate into your life new habits that can distract you and at the same time make you a calm person by definition: Meditation, healthy food, gym and sports and, above all, quality leisure.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

This week’s energy drives you to be more adventurous and explore new territories. You are looking for novelty and excitement, so take the opportunity to try something new. Whether it’s traveling, learning something different, or trying a new hobby, go on an adventure.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

In love, this week do not hesitate to open those doors that protect your heart. Open up to new relationships if you are single, but do not embark on a formal relationship until you believe and analyze if it is the right person. You’ve wasted too much time with idiots to waste any more. If you are in a relationship, it is important that this month you forgive certain mistakes of that person and do not hold grudges.


Basil amulet

It is advisable to have a basil leaf in your purse or wallet, we can also make a pendant and place it inside a bag. This to protect our throat and respiratory system, since being close to the heart chakra and the solar plexus, it will protect us and avoid bad influences, as well as allowing us to have a more fluid conversation and expression.

Lunar phase:

Lunar calendar: Horoscope Week from September 04 to 10, 2023

4 Almost full gibbous

5 Almost full gibbous

6 Almost full gibbous

7 Almost full  gibbous

 8 Quarter  gibbous

9 Almost new gibbous

10 Almost new gibbous