Horoscope  Week from November 6 to 12, 2023


Below we present the weekly Horoscope I November  Consult your Horoscope corresponding to the First week of November  , where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.


The power of resilience

Resilience is the ability of a person or a group to recover in the face of adversity to continue projecting the future. Sometimes, difficult circumstances or traumas allow the development of resources that were latent and that the individual was unaware of until then.

Being resilient does not mean not feeling discomfort, emotional pain or difficulty in the face of adversity. The death of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job, serious financial problems, etc., are events that have a great impact on people, producing a feeling of insecurity, uncertainty and emotional pain.

Resilience is something we can all develop throughout life. There are people who are resilient because they have had a model of resilience to follow in their parents or someone close to them, while others have found the way on their own. This tells us that we can all be resilient, as long as we change some of our habits and beliefs.


: March 21 to April 20

Dialogue with others will be difficult, perhaps because they will make hurtful comments, real but painful, and that will make them lower their arms and withdraw, something they do not usually do under normal conditions.

Many Aries natives will choose to have a romantic adventure that makes them forget the tensions between the couple. But from that date onwards, the climate will become oppressive. The degree of docility with which they go through difficult times will depend on whether, towards the weekend, reconciliation is possible and harmony reigns.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Changes, moves and trips usually put Taurus in a bad mood. Friends of stability and stillness, it will not be easy for you to achieve success this week, as you will receive constant harassment from the outside world. They are probably quite nervous and have no better idea than to take it out on their partner. Taurus will have the feeling that the entire world is against their well-being. Forced by circumstances, they will put all their energy and attention into work.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

A lot of contained violence, uncontrollable outbursts of anger and a feeling of permanent loneliness and too many work pressures will make this week difficult. Circulatory problems or disorders in the functioning of the gallbladder will be the strongest threats to the good health of these natives. Bile is a symbol of aggressiveness and if the energy flow is hindered, bile accumulates, which tends to solidify, forming stones.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

At work, Cancerians will feel recognized and will also be very good with their colleagues or bosses during this week. The warmth they find among colleagues will make them forget the unpleasantness of home. Those who dedicate themselves to art will enjoy a high level of inspiration that will bring them rewards. And those who carry out other types of activities will have the opportunity to explore new territories that will allow them to develop latent potentialities.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Leos may feel less vital this week, from then on they will have a better time, despite the complications. The best thing would be for them not to stop having routine tests, both to detect possible gastric disorders in time and to check that they are not anemic, something quite common in Leos. Particularly for women, some alterations in the menstrual cycle may appear.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

This week will be perfect for Virgo to be at home, with family, siblings and close friends. But from the next few days everything will be in place for them to have a romance that will make their hearts beat a million miles an hour and that will lead them to do those crazy things that only lovers are capable of imagining. It is possible that the romance will quickly transform into a calmer affection. But for now the fun will be what matters.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

You will be in a good position to make wise investments and to strengthen corporate agreements. But deception, betrayal, false appearances will be the order of the day. You will have to carefully read the fine print of the contracts and review a property ten times before purchasing it. The best stage for business and also for studies will be the first fortnight, with Venus in favor. From then on, everything will be uphill. Libra will be discouraged, or in bad relationships with partners and co-workers.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

If natives carry out an activity that they find enjoyable, nothing will interfere with success. But if they are not satisfied with what they do, if they get bored, if their routine is a tedious repetition of rituals without content, they will be tempted to throw everything overboard, the risk of stress will be very high. In these cases, it is best to look for new job horizons. They will have a bad influence from Mars that will take away their energy and, at the same time, make them more irritable than usual. The key will be to stay calm and wait for better times.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

In general, Sagittarians will have vitality and good defenses, but somewhat sad, tormented by depressing thoughts or memories of the past that will hurt them. They will be more exposed than usual to contracting infections and taking into account that the vulnerable point of the Archers is the liver, it will be good for them to take all the precautions within their reach. Mainly, they will have to take care of their diet. Meditation or mental control can also help you a lot at this stage

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

There will be zero difficulties in terms of physical health, and for that reason this will be an appropriate time to start some gentle, group sports activity that helps you relax and “play”, something which suits the most serious of the zodiac so well. As the work demands will be so many, vitality will decrease. You will have to eat well and take some vitamin supplements. Although not working on the weekend and being outdoors will be the best therapy for the Goats to maintain their health.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

Aquarians will see their creativity increase to the maximum and this is how they will find new answers to old problems. In the workplace, the weather will be pleasant the first fortnight of November and then, little by little, it will become somewhat more tense. The intellectual effort will be maximum, the communication constant, the coming and going exhausting and the business… very, very profitable. Maintaining the routine will be very difficult for them, but it will not be a good time to abandon ship.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Pisces will not find in love an ideal refuge to forget the daily struggle and regain strength. Although the sexual life of these natives will be at a high level of intensity, the love approach will be difficult. The causes? Many work commitments and a certain feeling of suffocation that they will not be able to avoid. However, the anguish will soon cease and Pisces will enjoy a varied social life, arm in arm with their partner. Loners will find company in this second fortnight, although they will have varied erotic adventures.


Laurel bath to attract money

If your goals are to prosper financially and live peacefully with happiness as the protagonist in your life, perform the following ritual.

You need:

* 1 liter of water

* 3 bay leaves

* 3 drops of lavender oil

* 3 cinnamon sticks


* Bring the liter of water to a boil and add the cinnamon sticks and bay leaves, and keep them on the fire for 20 minutes.

* Let the mixture rest for 30 minutes

How to use:

Apply all over the body in moonlight and let it take effect for as long as you consider necessary.

Moon phase:

Lunar calendar:  Week from November 6 to 12, 2023

6 Quarter quarter

7 Quarter almost new

8 Quarter almost new

9 Quarter almost new

10 Quarter almost new

11 Quarter almost new

12 Quarter almost new