Horoscope Week from May 20 to 26, 2024


Below we present the weekly Horoscope IV May. Consult your Horoscope corresponding to
the fourth week of the month of May, where you will obtain the best predictions, so that you
make the right decisions during the week.


The magic of Rue

Used by druids, magicians and sorceresses, the energetic properties of rue are known
throughout the world. In many Eastern countries, a bride cannot miss a touch of rue to bring
blessings to her marriage. Placing it at the door of the house will prevent negative energies
from entering.

We can ask you to help us with an economic or health issue or to pass that exam that we
fear so much. At the end of an intense day, touching the leaves of our plant will help us
transmute all the negative energy that we have accumulated. The powers of rue are so
extensive that even the most skeptical will recognize that something changes around them
from the moment one of these plants comes into their lives.

Sometimes this curious plant dies for no apparent reason. They say that this is helping us,
taking away some bad energy that was hanging around our house. And, if we are lucky
enough to have the beautiful papilio machao butterfly lay its eggs on it, let its friendly little
worms eat its leaves, because in this way our little plant is sending us a signal of
transformation and new beginnings.


Aries: March 21 to April 20
Aries, you feel safe and stable in love. Take advantage of this week to strengthen your
emotional ties and enjoy the harmony you have in your relationships. The almost full

crescent Moon invites you to reflect on your goals and make necessary adjustments to
achieve them.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20
The couple or personal relationships will be priority topics, as well as all types of contracts or
social activities. Time to build bridges and find affinities, to improve communication skills and
to reach very positive agreements.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Gemini, do not neglect family matters and everything that has to do with housing or family
assets, because you are going through an important stage destined for an important
reorganization in these areas, which will require patient and methodical planning and
execution. Don’t be in a hurry, but don’t postpone these obligations of intimate life.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22
This week invites you to find balance between your personal and professional life, Cancer.
With Venus in Taurus, spend time taking care of your emotional needs and seek stability in
all areas of your life. The Moon gives you the opportunity to make positive changes in your
home and career that bring you closer to your long-term goals.

Leo: July 23 to August 23
Leo, you have found yourself caught in a drama that was started by someone with a
destructive agenda. The New Moon brings a moment of clarity. Once you have seen the
hidden plot, you can use your influence to create a happy and easily understood ending.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22
In the financial field, you are going to have a very prosperous week. Your magnificent
organization in previous months and your great rewards, the result of your intense work
days, will help you to be able to carry out many of the activities that you had pending during
the first months of 2024, such as studies, trips or new personal projects.

Libra: September 23 to October 22
Great ideas are easy in theory, but more difficult when we put them into practice. You are in
the process of dealing with the practical consequences of an ambitious plan. You’ve reached
the hard part. It makes you wonder why you thought it was a good idea; and how you
assumed it was feasible.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Everything you want is requiring more time and energy than you have; which means you are
making sacrifices. But you must move forward. If you take it easy this week, you’ll be able to
maneuver around an obstacle. Success is closer than you think.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21
Be careful not to receive unsolicited advice this week. You don’t want to give up your power.
And you know exactly what to do. The New Moon reinforces your intuitive powers. If you
follow them, you will make excellent decisions (without any interference).

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Capricorn, the only thing that could represent a great barrier between you and your dreams
is your distrust. You must start the year by changing your mentality and trusting yourself
more. So get rid of all the negative thoughts you have had until now.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
In our own lives, we often have to experience moments of chaos and confusion to reach a
new stage of our future. This week’s New Moon marks a new phase of your life. If you feel
unprepared for the changes that are taking up so much of your time, you know it’s worth
finding the energy to deal with them. They are taking you to a place you will love.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20
Pisces we love to advise others and tell them what they ‘should’ do. We do it even when we
are not aware of all the possibilities and potential problems. And some people, who are
determined to share their opinion, are more insistent when they are less sure.


Vinegar in esotericism

Vinegar has multiple functions and when it comes to bad energy it is also a great ally. You
can mix water and a little white vinegar, if you want to make this mixture more powerful add
a handful of coarse salt and optionally add a little essence of your preference or floor
cleaning liquid.

With this mixture clean the entire house while you think about all bad stagnant energy, envy
and so on leaving your home.

You can also put a glass in each room with three parts of coarse salt or sea salt and one
part of vinegar so that it absorbs all the bad energies. Then throw it away in the wash or out
of the house.

Moon phase:

Lunar calendar: Week of May 20 to 26, 2024

20 Crescent almost full

21 Crescent almost full

22 Crescent almost full

23 Full Moon

24 Waning almost full

25 Waning almost full

26 Waning almost full