Horoscope Week from January 15 to 21, 2024


Below we present the Weekly Horoscope III January. Consult your Horoscope corresponding to the First week of January, where you will get the best predictions, so that you can make the right decisions during the week.



Sometimes it is necessary to take some time, to pause in your life, so that you don’t just let yourself go automatically, without going deeper, without reconsidering or reflecting. In many cases, you do things instinctively, but not everything can be solved that way, so it’s time for you to take your time to see different results.

Unfortunately, there are many people like this, who go around stumbling, making mistakes by deciding important aspects in their life, in a light and thoughtless way. Try not to do it, because later come the regrets for not having taken the time.

Going through life running against the clock, in a hurry, without enough time to enjoy or be grateful, makes no sense. For this reason, sometimes they fail to see the obvious, because they do not pause, they do not breathe deeply and much less review what their environment is presenting to them. So go calmly, without rushing, but calmly.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

You are a little uncomfortable with a love relationship, take into account that people are not always as you have imagined them, idealizing your relationship is something that will not favor it, since the reality in love is always another. Reflect and accept your partner as he is, no one can change anyone.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

You will need to realize that everything in this life can improve, as long as you do your part to interact in a healthier way. Respect your limits and respect those of others. Great things are coming for you and your family environment, prepare to receive and be grateful.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

This week all the mental processes will be activated that will help you in everything related to new projects and important goals in your life. Don’t let any opportunity slip through your fingers. Take advantage of everything that comes your way in life to project yourself and stand out as you usually do.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

This week’s astral influence invites you to reflect and review all your successes and failures so you can make the necessary adjustments and correct for new beginnings. Beware of the emotional changes caused by so many planetary movements. Look for balance.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Memories will invade your mind during these days, filling you with nostalgia. You need to ignore those feelings and connect with your life purpose. Situations happen because they have a purpose in each person’s life. Nothing is coincidence but causality. Remember that your actions have consequences, so accept them with courage.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Ruled by the Moon, in this period it is favorable to strengthen the protection of your home or family. Your culinary skills could encourage you to start a traditional food business. However, your intuition will make you be alert to any unfair situation. It is the right time to take a trip as a couple. Don’t limit yourself with expenses, see that life is only one.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Remember that many times life is not telling you no and much less is it truncating your dreams, but it is simply telling you that you must wait for the right moment for it to happen, what must happen. Don’t rush and much less despair, just wait patiently and you will see how things begin to flow by themselves.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Scorpio natives take advantage of the stars to put an end to toxic relationships, whether personal or work-related. It exposes those false people who want to see you in a bad light. Your drive and balance will allow you to forge new directions, with very clear and precise paths. Always keep moving forward, in the end you will find the light.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

You will feel very satisfied with your social life, however, you should polish your romantic relationship a little and make certain adjustments to improve some things that are not going very well, so to speak. Review the experiences you have had to live, so that you can then let go of what does not fit what you really want.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Focus on achieving your goals at work, however, you should not neglect your family relationships and your partner. It is recommended that you distribute your time very well, so that nothing is affected. Take some time to expand your internet network, this will benefit those who have commercial businesses.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

Look for a way to overcome adverse situations. To do this, it will be necessary to renew your physical and psychological energies. In this way you will be able to feel more courage to face some issues that have been difficult for you to resolve, keep in mind that your actions will be so decisive that you will be able to maintain your emotional balance.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Mercury retrograde is already saying goodbye and this may improve your week. Don’t lose hope when things haven’t gone as you expected. You can always start over, as long as you believe it. Focus on what really matters and keep your energies strong there.


Nutmeg esoteric properties

The esoteric powers of nutmeg are many. An ancient spell indicates that to avoid and combat rheumatism, colds, neuralgia, boils and styes, it was necessary to make a nutmeg necklace by stringing it and star anise that should always be worn.

Even a nutmeg hung on a thread around a child’s neck was believed to help him in the teething process. For money and prosperity spells, ground nutmeg is widely used.

Moon phase:

Lunar calendar: Week from January 15 to 21, 2024

15 Waning almost full

16 Waning almost full

17 Waning almost full

18 Waning almost full

19 Waning almost full

20 Waning almost full

21 Waning almost full