Horoscope Week from January 1 to 7, 2024


Below we present the Weekly Horoscope I January. Consult your Horoscope corresponding to the First week of January, where you will get the best predictions, so that you can make the right decisions during the week.



On many occasions, circumstances tend to lead people to despair, generally when it is thought that the situation has no way out, then hopelessness and demotivation arise. These characteristics generally tend to paralyze people and fear takes over them.

Despair takes over your life, your feelings when you feel that you are in crisis and that the problem is more serious than it really is. But many times or in some cases everything is in your negative mind, which tends to exaggerate things. However, for despair the best antidote is action.

There are also some techniques that will help you manage despair, such as recognizing and accepting what is happening to you; In addition, you must stop those negative thoughts that are not necessarily true. Distract yourself by doing an activity you enjoy, breathe, meditate, exercise, laugh and finally relax


Aries: March 21 to April 20

With the beginning of the week, you will feel that the direction of your life is taking the right course with your partner. They will be happy to share experiences that they did not do for some time. Everything will flow in such a way that you will be completely sure that this is the right person to build a stable relationship together.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Those born under the sign of Taurus will feel the need to draw up some actions that will lead them towards their personal fulfillment, since in recent days they have been very dispersed, without completing any work project. Your vision needs to be broader and your mind more open to accept some different things.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

This week everything favors you thanks to different situations in your environment, which will allow you to understand that you are in the best moment to carry out several things that you had left aside due to carelessness. Don’t let anyone discourage you and take away your enthusiasm. Things are taking the perfect course.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

You must understand that only through a deep connection will you be able to touch the soul of the person you love. Superfluous relationships will leave you nothing interesting to tell in your love life. So from this moment on, try to play less and be more serious. Remember that youth will soon pass and then you will find yourself alone because of your instability.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

You will need to take into account a possible conversation that you will have with an important person in your life. The continuous arguments over things that make no sense are leading you to lose important and valuable people who belong to your family environment. Let your guard down and acknowledge your mistakes, otherwise you will find yourself very alone.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Keep in mind that some people will approach you just out of interest, however, not everyone will do it for that reason. You will have to learn to distinguish between people who only want to benefit from you and between true friends who will always be by your side to give you their shoulder and unconditional support.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

You feel immensely committed to something that has become an important project for you. You will understand that focused on that project, you will have every chance of emerging and succeeding, since your future is there. Follow the path that has already been laid out and everything will happen as you had planned.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Take advantage of the patience that this New Moon can give you this week. Don’t allow your inner self to develop resistance to the changes you want to make within yourself. You will come into conflict regarding what should be and what you want it to be. A good strategy will be to do what you want to do, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

You could start a love affair with someone, so be careful and slow down. Perhaps you could complement him in some aspects of your life and not in others. The important thing is that you give yourself the opportunity to share and experience exciting things with that person who has appeared in your life.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Your impulsiveness is not a good companion at this point, so it will be better for you to learn to control yourself, since otherwise this could bring you some conflicts, and you will even notice some tension in your relationship. . Therefore, it is advisable to resort to a more spiritual than emotional attitude.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

Find your own destiny and allow yourself to go after something good for you. You will feel convinced that you are in one of the best moments of your life. Your decisions will be the best because they will lead you towards what you have really wanted up to this moment. Now, just follow your goal and wait for the results.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

You will acquire another vision of the world, very different from what you were used to seeing. It is time to look within yourself so that you acquire new principles and values that will help you stand firm in the face of very complex situations that are difficult to solve. You just have to move forward, without judging any situation, much less questioning it.


Cleaning the evil eye with an egg

This ritual serves to eliminate bad energy and the evil eye, it is used by grandmothers for this type of cleaning. To begin, take an egg and pass it all over your body, while saying a prayer like the “Our Father”, if you are not Catholic you can make a prayer to any supreme being in which you believe.

Ask for their help and blessing and visualize the egg being touched with their presence. At the end of the ritual, break the shell and place the contents of the egg in a glass of salted water. Then you should throw the waste down the toilet or drain, since all the negative energies that the egg collected will also go there.

Moon phase:

Lunar calendar: Week from January 1 to 7, 2024

1 Almost new crescent

2 Almost new crescent

3 Almost new crescent

4 Almost new crescent

5 Almost new crescent

6 Almost new crescent

7 Crescent