Home Love Horoscope | Astrology and mystic Horoscope Week from August 12 to 18, 2024

Horoscope Week from August 12 to 18, 2024


Below we present the Weekly Horoscope  III August Consult your Horoscope corresponding to the  third week of the month of August , where you will get the best predictions, so that you make the right decisions during week.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian is a medicinal plant known to relax the mind and body of those who consume it. Its roots contain compounds that act as natural sedatives and promote sleep. It has anxiolytic and relaxing properties. It is ideal to help you fall asleep. It also reduces anxiety, nerves and muscle tension.


Aries: March 21 to April 20

Both in your personal life and in the work environment, your lucky star will watch over you carefully and guide you in the most appropriate direction so that you can meet your expectations. Depending on the events that arise before you, you will have the option of choosing to maintain the status quo or the opportunity to bring a breath of fresh air to your daily life.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

The New Moon encourages you to adopt a mode of communication based on active listening, empathy and the absence of violence. Do you think you know your loved ones like the back of your hand? Through this new approach, you will soon realize that you were not on the right path. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Park your feelings of guilt for something that happened a long time ago. You always tend to blame yourself and remember past mistakes too much. Now you will have the opportunity to correct that mistake that has kept you in suspense until now. When you have solved that problem, close that door permanently, and live life with a future perspective, which is much more positive.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

To avoid mistakes, be extremely cautious both in your movements and when trusting someone. These days it is likely that the opportunity will arise for you to participate in a business. Analyze all the details and do not make a decision hastily, do it calmly.

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Love this week is somewhat elusive. Someone hovers around your partner and he lets himself be loved. He hasn’t been unfaithful to you, but if the situation persists he could be tempted to do so, thinking that it’s just a joke and that it won’t get any worse. Pay attention! Dot his i’s and make him see that he is wrong.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

You are going through a crucial stage for personal relationships. And here things are different. Responsibilities, demands and obligations can end up weighing heavily. If you focus on it well, it is an appropriate period to know how to set limits or barriers to situations that can be overwhelming. It is also an appropriate time to make long-term commitments, but not only towards others, but especially towards yourself.

Libra: September 23 to October 22

You will meet someone very interesting who will powerfully attract your attention. If you are not a free heart, you will be assaulted by the desire to regain your freedom. It’s not a bad idea, mature it. Maybe you are not with the right person right now to make you happy. These days you will be full of energy, so it will also be a good time to calmly look for a new job if you do not feel valued professionally or you think that where you are you have already reached your ceiling.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Start exploring new possibilities because it will turn out well, you will find what you are looking for and you will know how to give your best. Take advantage now because this week you will see everything very clearly and you will also realize that some people who come apparently to advise you, in reality what they want is to bring you down.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Get ready because a new stage in your work life begins in which communication, networks, creating community and associating with key people of power or working with others will be the key to your professional success. It will be a week in which your new path will be very clear to you and will bring the beginning of a new project or process in which you will be putting a lot of effort.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Luckily, it won’t take you long to realize that you don’t have to rush to act and that the most sensible decisions are always made over a long period of time. Paradoxically, by giving yourself time to shape your strategy step by step, you will make it easier for your life project to advance more quickly.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

You have long believed that a person’s development depends largely on their ability to analyze the world and the associated problems differently. As things are, it will just be a matter of having a little patience and soon you will be able to lead the life you dream of .

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

As you enjoy solid social connections, in the first weeks of August you will not be afraid to stray from the usual path to explore the field of possibilities. Deep down, you know that you can return to the old acquaintance at any time.


Calm down with chamomile

Does stress interfere with your sleep? Relax for a few minutes in a chamomile bath before heading into the arms of Morpheus. To do this, let two handfuls of dried chamomile flowers infuse in hot water. Then strain the mixture and pour it into your bathroom before slipping into it with pleasure.

Lavender and linden can be used in addition to chamomile to create a delicious relaxing bath. To do this, place the dried chamomile, linden and lavender in a muslin bag and place it directly in the bath water.

Lunar phase:

Lunar calendar: Week from August 12 to 18, 2024

12 Crescent

13 Crescent

14 Crescent almost full

15 Crescent almost full

16 Crescent almost full

17 Crescent almost full

18 Crescent almost full