Horoscope Week from May 27 to June 2, 2024


Below we present the May V weekly Horoscope. Consult your Horoscope corresponding to
the fifth week of the month of May, where you will obtain the best predictions, so that you
make the right decisions during the week.


Eliminate negative energy- Make your bed

To eliminate negative energy, the first thing we recommend is to make your bed. Your bed is
the place where you spend almost 1/3 of your day. Therefore, it is one of the focuses when
improving the positive balance of your home. Make your bed immediately after getting up,
and make it a habit to avoid clutter in the room.


Aries: March 21 to April 20
It will give you the feeling of being a little alone and oblivious to the affection of others. Don’t
get depressed because, at the least expected moment, something really happy will happen.
It is a day for you to remember for time.

Taurus: April 21 to May 20
Dedicate yourself this week because you have earned it. Do everything you want and that
you have had to postpone due to lack of time or energy. Relationships with the people
around you will be very pleasant… either with the people who belong to your family, or with
your friends, or with your partner.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Try to control your expenses so as not to waste the extra income that will come to you.
Sometimes it is not a question of earning more but of spending less or on superfluous things
that in the end you leave in a corner at home. Mercury invites you to continue breaking down
old beliefs and limitations, and to continue trusting in yourself and your personal process.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22
Artistic and social activities will be well attended this Saturday. Also attending courses that
renew your professional or personal knowledge would be perfect. Don’t forget about family
relationships, because being with your relatives will be comforting. And if you have a partner,
you will feel very comfortable around them.

Leo: July 23 to August 23
Control your nerves more today since you will be more sensitive to everything that happens
around you. Focus on what is yours and do not get involved in matters that do not concern
you, in what you focus on you will find success.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22
The activities carried out within your social sphere will be very well aspected, Virgo. Also
everything related to art will attract you and you will have a special sensitivity for it; theater,
literature… will be something positive for you. Finally, your personal relationships will be
harmonious. Congratulations!

Libra: September 23 to October 22
This week is quite challenging for you, but it will also help you lighten old personal and
ancestral burdens, calm fears and overcome situations. Mars in your bonding world brings
you challenges from others, there will be many changes in this sense, from marriage
proposals to unexpected breakups.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22
Try to control your possessiveness in matters of feelings and friendships. Jealousy
motivated by your disordered behavior will appear. Focus on something, today it is vitally
important that you select more.

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21
You begin to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, although there is still a long way to go.
Today you may feel the need to contain your emotions and at the same time find it difficult
not to explode. Be patient, as much as you can, and learn from these purifying moments.
You are cleaning karma and situations that weighed you down.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Try not to be too rigid in your thoughts and emotions, use all the capacity you have to love
and feel without thinking and rationalizing so much. Today especially, connect with your
most sensitive, creative and emotional side. Artistic themes can inspire you. Get tickets to
the cinema or theater and look for good company.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
A stage of adventure begins in your love life, unexpected situations will appear that will
captivate your attention and your heart. You begin a cycle where circumstances are in your
favor in everything.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20
Do not doubt your abilities and your worth at any time. You deserve everything you want.
You don’t have to envy anyone or get carried away by the negativity of the environment,
abundance is unlimited, there is something for everyone. Don’t fall into envy, surround
yourself with inspiring people and be happy for their successes.


Esoteric and magical rosemary

“Since ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary has had symbolic meaning and has been given
special powers. For example, Greek students wore rosemary crowns before memory exams
and the Romans offered rosemary to their Gods.
Magical rituals, incense, to cleanse, purify and protect. Rosemary has also been used in
Europe and Australia as a symbol to commemorate weddings, war and funerals; Using it as
an ornament in a buttonhole, it is burned as incense or left on the grave of the dead.

Moon phase:

Lunar calendar: Week from May 27 to June 2, 2024

27 Waning almost full

28 Waning almost full

29 Waning almost full

30 Waning almost full

31 Last Quarter

1 Almost new

2 Almost new