The 3 luckiest signs in 2020


The 3 luckiest signs in 2020

Next, you will the details that hold for the 3 luckiest signs in 2020. In this case Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus were the luckiest ones and we will investigate about health, love, work and money for them. Keep reading.


The 3 luckiest signs

The first luckiest sign in this 2020 is Capricorn. This year will be one of the best stages of your life, you will be reaping the juiciest fruits from the seeds that you have been sowing for years and all the effort that you would like to put on everything you do (under the strict eyes of Saturn, his ruler) will be rewarded now.

You will live a year full of renewing experiences. What you deserve will come to you and benefitting projects will materialize. There will be a way that will take you for the path to growth and progress. The best months will be May, June, July and November. Opportunities will come and your hands will be full. Your instinct will guide you through every step, listen to your inner voice.


Be careful with problems with your neck, muscle stiffness and lumbago. You must work your hair loss to control it. Avoid moving suddenly or pulling too strongly, which can immobilize you for long.


Indecision will be present and you must choose your cards well. New opportunities will open, but you must open your mind a little and leave behind paradigms that move you away from happiness. Raise the strength of your relationship with passion. If you’re alone, risk to searching.


Your actions will depend A lot. You must go with harmony and shine when it is necessary without looking arrogant. Some days you will be up and others you will experience having low energy; fight for materializing your projects without risking too much.


The hardest months will be January and December; you will have to pay special attention to the negativity that is around you and keep alert every moment. Clean yourself energetically and do not lower your guard.

Your creativity will be moving, you must keep yourself active and creating. From the beginning of the year you have to work on medium and long-term plans that take strength as the months go by. Focus your energy on what you want to achieve and trust in the signs that the universe will send you.


The 3 luckiest signs

Get ready, Virgo, because you’re before one of the best years of the last times! The powerful conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, your natural 5th House, comes to offer you the opportunity to achieve those goals that you have been pursuing for years.

Take advantage of time and enjoy life now when you can to the fullest, not every year will be favourable. Even your look can have a very noticeable and positive change, and it is that the blessings you will experience in this 2020 will end up being seen in your body, face and aura.


Take care of your food so as not to have any problem with your stomach, and do not forget massages in your neck, head and back to eliminate contractions and feel well. Be careful with the way your work to avoid this kind of problems. The precaution for you has to be with positions, so sit down properly and you will be fine.


In the months of May or June you may have to move away from a loved one, or close some stage of your life that you will miss, but in any case it will be in favour of a remarkable leap in quality and a very positive change that simply forces you to leave certain things behind.


Professionally in 2020, you will be successful. The acknowledgement from your bosses and your good reputation as a professional will make you have a payment rise and this year very rewarding for you. Two job offers will come to you in other companies different than yours and which are very interesting.

You should study them. If you’re looking for a job, you will surely find it or it will find you this year, the solution will come through your friends or social relationships. It will be a year in which you will have to travel abroad because of your job, so you will have to travel several times. At the end of the year, there will be changes in the direction of your company and the economy and you will have to comply with them.


All the areas of life a Virgo have everything to be fruitful in 2020, but you can start to pay attention to see where you can take it to your financial field; in other words, money will flow for you.

If you want to invest your money on something new, do it and do not think twice. We know you like strategies and you often think too much before making a decision, but this time the present and lucky gift is on your side.


The 3 luckiest signs

Taurus is in the third place on the list of the luckiest signs in 2020. Taurus is the only earth sign that will be under the influence of Uranus, the planet of unexpected events. Due to this, Taurus can start the year feeling a little anxious and angry, but while a sudden event happens, these natives will feel better.

During 2020, you will change your life completely. Your job and health will be excellent, love will improve, as well as the most important things: spirituality, your look, trips to other countries, studies, evolution, thinking, and religion.


Your health will be excellent in 2020. You’ll have a lot of energy, you’ll feel strong and won’t get sick; you won’t catch any virus or something like that. If you suffered from a disease the previous year, it will disappear completely.


Do not worry for this change (we know that Taurus hates unexpected things) because Jupiter and Saturn will also be working to give you the best luck. The best area of your life will be the love one. You have everything to know someone new who, beyond making you fall in love deeply, will help you with your financial life.


2020 will be an excellent year for work, the most important thing for you. Success will reach your professional life from April, but you will be asked a lot of effort. You will be offered very important jobs, but you will require full dedication in return. If you’re looking for a job, look for ones related to selling, advertising, transportation, technology; although it is not really necessary because jobs will find you.


2020 will go on being financially good. Without shrillness, you will earn your living well, but without exaggerating. The most important thing is that you will earn the same and will cover the payment of your bills and your hectic lifestyle.

Without changes. If you want to invest in some business, study the subject before very well because you could lose everything. Consult well before making decisions.

The 3 luckiest signs in 2020.