Symbols of pagan protection

Symbols of pagan
Symbols of pagan

Symbols of pagan protection – Origin of the pagan term. This term refers to the mixing of beliefs that arose before Judeo-Christianity that worshiped idols considered false or even evil; that is, paganism is a polytheistic agglomeration of many religious practices based primarily on the combination with the Earth and its cycles.

símbolos de protección pagana

Symbols of pagan protection:

First: Vegvisir compass

It is one of the symbols of pagan protection : a reinforcement to avoid twisting in the straight course to pursue in existence. A fantastic symbol which aims to guide people as they go through a day of bad weather and poor visibility.

Second:  Tetragramton

Tetra: Trinity within the Multiplicity of the Unity of Life; Holy Four and Jupiter; Father 1, Son 2, Holy Spirit 3. The three emanate the Ain Soph from the Inner Atomic Star.

From its beginnings this symbol represents perfection, happiness and perfect marriage; that is, it is used as a balancer between energies and forces, managing to express the domination of the spirit over every element of nature. The five-pointed star shape of the freemasons, Gnostics, and pink crosses is a symbol of raw material, an inexhaustible source of life.


The trisquel, triskelion or triskele (of rotational symmetry) is an (artistic) motif consisting of three joined spirals, three folded human legs or three extended or bent lines from the center of the symbol. Although it appears in various places and periods including 3200 BC in Newgrange, it is an essential characteristic part of the Celtic art of the La Tène culture of the Iron Age. It is included in the shield of the Isle of Man, and with a central jellyfish face on that of the Italian island of Sicily.


It is a pre-Christian symbols of pagan protection and known for more than 5500 years in different cultures. The a Celtic symbol of the Triple Goddess and in the north it is a symbol of the God Odin who is the main God of Scandinavian mythology occupying a place similar to Zeus’ in Greek mythology, and it is characterized by his head of family and leader of the other gods. It also welcomes heroically fallen warriors and their souls are collected by the Valkyrie in a large banquet in the Valhalla room, composed on three parts, the three Vesica fish entwined at the intersection of equal circles whose circumferences pass each through the center of the other, marking the intersection of the circles being a very common symbol in everything related to Celtic mythology and its legends.

Fifth: Awen or Three rays

It is the ideal of balance since it represents the harmony between opposites. Thanks to Awen, according to its meaning, strong and lasting ties are created beyond time and space, since it works as a symbolism between complements, different but attracted.

Suitable for gifts, especially between couples since it balances the masculine energy with the feminine one.

In the case of the Awen that is drawn with three rays parallel to each other which is usually common in jewelry, its meaning is linked to the first two rays such as the aforementioned energies, male and female, and the ray between the two represents equality and balance between both. Experts have interpreted that this is a symbol that implies balance between two opposite powers in the universe.

Sixth: Celtic knots

These knots of prehistoric times have in their essence to evoke ideas of eternity, both of the soul and of the cycle of the same life that according to the belief of the Celts, is born and is born until achieving a journey of infinite lives because for themselves, these symbols have no beginning or end. They get their names of “knots” because their intertwining is drawn with continuous lines to give the idea of eternal evolution and the process that implies for the soul, which dies and reincarnates until reaching perfection.

Seventh: The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is also known, in many beliefs, as the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of the World or Cosmic Tree. It unites heaven and earth, and represents the entire creation. However, there are also cultures that differentiate it from the Tree of Knowledge, and it represents good and evil.

The Tree of Life was known as the Crann bethadh. Trees have great importance in Celtic culture. The life of the human being was related in a very intimate way with forests. A forest provides shelter, protection, animals for hunting, water to stock up… Some trees, such as oak, were sacred elements which the Celts felt great respect to.

Eighth: Celtic Cross

The Celtic cross is a simple religious icon formed by a Christian cross with a circle surrounding its intersection. It goes back to the early days of Christianity in Ireland, where it constituted the basic design of the famous high crosses: high monumental crosses made of stone and richly ornamented with motifs of island Celtic art.
Basically it is a simple Christian cross with its own meaning. The purpose of the ring is that, by projecting sun rays through the cross, the demon is kept away.

Nineth: WUIVRE

It is a Celtic symbol represented by two snakes entwined with each other, which symbolize the strength of the earth. They say it provides love and power to the one who has this symbol; that is, as long as it is not touched by seawater.
The popular symbol Wuivre is associated with Celtic culture, although its origin is not really known. In addition to protection, this symbol gives ‘power of love‘ to whoever carries it. Snakes have been used as a symbol throughout history by many civilizations associating their meaning to effort, sacrifice, energy and union.


With its shape of two hands that hold a heart on which there is a crown, it is very popular as a friendship or wedding ring for being a symbol of love, friendship and loyalty. The ring has an expression linked to it that is: “With my hands I give you my heart, and crown it with my love” in English. Therefore, the tradition consists in giving this ring to a loved one as a sign of love.